Write zeros to a hard drive – Wipe/Erase unused or free space

Windows: Format and write zeros to every sector of the drive.
format <Driveletter> /fs:NTFS /p:0

Windows: Format and write zeros to every sector of the drive. After the first pass write random numbers.
format <Driveletter> /fs:NTFS /p:2

Windows: Fill free space.
cipher /w:<Driveletter>[:\foldername]</span>

Unix: Wipe full drive.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<block device> bs=<block size 1M, 32M, etc.> status=progress

Unix: Fill free space.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/drive/zeros.file status=progress

Unix: Fill free space on FAT32 drive (4GB limit per file).
cat /dev/zero | split -b 2000m - zero -d --additional-suffix=.file

To run the process in background see Run command in background on a Synology NAS with nohup

How to configure RPC dynamic port allocation to work with firewalls

Windows XP use per default a dynamic port range from 1024 to 5000 for RPC/WMI/DCOM. To set up a fixed Port or Range use this settings:

  1. regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Rpc
  2. Add key "Internet"
  3. Add this three values:

Ports: REG_MULTI_SZ: 5000-5100
PortsInternetAvailable: REG_SZ: Y
UseInternetPorts: REG_SZ: Y

  1. run winmgmt -standalonehost
  2. net stop winmgmt
  3. net start winmgmt
  4. Reboot
