Quick and easy: Debian and Ubuntu major upgrade


  1. Update system: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  2. Remove unnecessary packages and configuration files: sudo apt autoremove --purge
  3. Reboot sudo reboot
  4. Install update manager (mostly already installed): sudo apt install update-manager-core
  5. Check for new Version: sudo do-release-upgrade -c
  6. Start upgrade: sudo do-release-upgrade and follow terminal prompts


  1. Update System sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
  2. Reboot sudo reboot
  3. Update release package repos: sudo sed -i'.bak' 's/bullseye/bookworm/g' /etc/apt/sources.list (for 11 to 12, replace names with the right versions!)
  4. Start upgrade: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade
  5. Reboot: sudo reboot

Quick and easy: Reset root password

  1. Reboot machine and press <shift> to configure GRUB
  2. Select the entry you normaly boot, e.g. Ubuntu and press <e> to temporary modify the entry
  3. Search the line which begins with linux /boot/vmlinuz[...]
  4. Remove everything and including the ro, e.g. ro quiet splashor ro maybe-ubiquity
  5. Replace it with rw init=/bin/bash
  6. Press F10 to boot the system
  7. Use passwdto change the root password

Fix register protocol handler for mailto links in Firefox and Roundcube

I recently played with Mailcow and also tried out SOGo briefly. After logging in, SOGo triggers a infobar message in the browser asking whether you want to set SOGo as the default application for mailto links in the browser. No, I just don't want to it at the moment. So I quickly clicked on "Not now". After a few days I then migrated my Roundcube and wanted to set it as the default application for mailto links, but no popup appears. Even manual calls via the browser console do not help:

window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler('mailto', location.href.split('?') [0] + '?_task=mail&_action=compose&_to=%s', “test”)

Resetting the page settings, cookies, permessions etc. does not help either. It turns out that Firefox saves the "hide message" in the permissions.sqlite file and doenst clear the entry or i dont know how. FF enters a mailto-infobar-dismissed for the domain there. I removed line with SQLite editor, restarted Firefox and tada, it works.


Register mailto handler doen't work with Roundcube for a domain after the popup (infobar) has been clicked away? Removed the mailto-infobar-dismissed for the (sub-)domain from permissions.sqlite