FileWare Apple VPP Token “The server has revoked the sToken.”

If you get this error The server has revoked the sToken from FileWave while syncing, the ABM portal password recently changed. So the server tokens becomes invalid and user has to renew the location tokens (Source).

To renew the token, login into ABM, go to Payments and Billing and download the Content Tokens. In FileWave go to Token configuration, Double Click the current token and import the file. Sync and you are done. Do not try to add a new token, this won´t work.

Add Let’s Encrypt (certbot) to FileWave MDM on Debian

  1. Install certbot
    apt update && apt install certbot

  2. Make sure http (80) is open on the machine

  3. Run sudo certbot certonly --standalone and follow the assistant

  4. Create script /usr/local/bin/ with the following content:

    /bin/certbot renew
    cp -uf /etc/letsencrypt/live/${FQDN}/fullchain.pem /usr/local/filewave/certs/server.crt
    cp -uf /etc/letsencrypt/live/${FQDN}/privkey.pem /usr/local/filewave/certs/server.key
    yes | /usr/local/filewave/python/bin/python /usr/local/filewave/django/manage.pyc update_dep_profile_certs
    /usr/local/bin/fwcontrol server restart
    exit 0
  5. Make script excutable with sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

  6. Run script for testing /usr/local/bin/

  7. Add new job to /etc/crontab:

    0 5 * * 6 root /usr/local/bin/
