This is the second time, my Lenovo X13s (Windows-on-ARM) machine wont boot and ask for the BitLocker key. After using the recovery key, and login with password, i can't set a new Windows PIN which is needed for biometric (fingerprint or face recognition) login. I get the error message Something went wrong. Try again later (0x80090016)
To fix this, you need to delete the folder C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\NGC
and reboot the system. After that, i was able to set a new PIN.
takeown /f C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\NGC /r /d y
icacls C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\NGC /grant administrators:F /t
- Delete
- Reboot